Monday 31 December 2012

Bring it on

A New Year and a New Blog

Things I have accomplished in 2012:
  • Taken lots of drugs
  • Slept with lots of people
  • Fallen in love
  • Broken someone's heart
  • Broken a rib
  • Done laughing gas in a helicopter
  • Followed my dream
  • Come 3rd at the student kitesurfing nationals.
  • Excelled at academics
  • Gained half a stone
  • Lost a stone and a half
  • Possibly relapsed into an eating disorder
  • Been happy
  • Been sad
  • Been manic
  • Been depressed
  • Hallucinated (a lot)
  • Been taken home in a police car
  • Turned completely nocturnal
  • Become proficient in the art of spliff rolling
  • Had lesbian sex  
  • Discovered that bipolar people should NOT do shrooms
  • Learnt how to chop wood with an axe
  • Been happy solidly for 3 months
  • Been incredibly arrogant
  • Convinced myself I am no longer bipolar
  • Realized that I am in denial 
Bring on 2013.